
SKU: 978-0991533565 Category:


BECOMING is Transformative * Informative * Restorative

Reverend Clay Evans, Founding Pastor – Fellowship Baptist Church of Chicago

This is one of my beloved sons in the ministry, and in him, I am well pleased. I am a living witness that serving God pays the greatest dividends. Here we are presented with a great opportunity to know God more intimately through the words of a praying preacher. Blessings to you, Dr. Hardy.

Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson, Founder, and President, Rainbow Push Coalition

Having known Reverend Hardy for close to a half a century, I can say that writing is just another extension of the great ministry that God has ordained for him. It is evident that his steps have been ordered by the Lord, I view Reverend Hardy in the spirit of Psalm One that proclaims: “His leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” I look forward with eager anticipation for the greater works of Henry Hardy 360° Ministries.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Pastor Emeritus, Trinity United Church of Christ

Many people will assume that upon retirement, most pastors find time to catch up on the unwatched episodes of their favorite television drama or even to spend time on the green of the golf course, and while there is nothing wrong with either, better is the man who is able to dedicate himself to the new directives of God as he follows a new path. The best is yet to come.

Additional information

Weight 7.7 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.39 × 8.50 in


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